
Are Organic Foods Right For You?

It’s true that consuming more vegetables, fruits, good fats, and whole grains is a step in the right direction; however, the questions of nutrition, food safety, and sustainability still remain.
fresh, organic food preparation

If as you’re searching for your next date night spot, you expand your mileage to 50+ miles to include restaurants that are “organic” on Yelp, we understand.

As you’re doing this, your husband or your girlfriends have confused looks because they don’t understand the substantial difference between the hole-in-the-wall taco place down the street versus your desire to sit in a restaurant with marble tables and succulents as decor.

It’s not high-maintenance, but being informed of food choices.

fresh, organic food preparation

Organic has been all the rage, but not everyone is on board just yet. You consider yourself the evangelist, if you will, in the family, and are close to getting everyone on the organic train. Even your whole office has converted by now.

Next time, someone gives you a hard time about eating organic, make sure you have your facts straight. You’ll not only come off as extremely well-versed and worldly, but it makes great conversation material in awkward lines at grocery stores or pretty much any tightly-enclosed spaces (think elevators or Uber Pool rides).

We’ve created a simple guide that breaks down all things organic. Let’s dive in.

What is organic food? What does the term organic mean?

When your girlfriends boast that they’re trying to eat more fruits and vegetables as a step in the right direction, don’t be so quick to burst their bubble if you want to keep that friendship. Instead, you can listen for a few seconds, and then proceed to casually bring up the hard-hitting questions. Is it organic and non-GMO?

There’s a reason why Whole Foods is one of the best grocery stores on the block. You’re paying a few extra bucks compared to Ralphs or Vons to get better quality foods, so it better be worth your while.

Here’s how your organic foods are grown:

  • Organic refers to how certain agricultural food products are grown and processed. There are specific requirements that have to be both met and maintained for any product to be labeled as an “organic” product. There’s a vetting process that foods have to go through if you will.
  • Organic crops have to be grown in what would have to be considered a safe soil and cannot have any modifications whatsoever. They must also be kept separate from any other conventionally-grown products, also known as the not so good stuff. For organic foods, farmers are not allowed to use any type of synthetic pesticides, GMO’s, fertilizers that are petroleum-based, or fertilizers that are sewage sludge-based (cringe).
  • When you eat organic foods, they’re handled with the utmost care. All organic livestock have to be given only organic-fed and must be allowed to be outdoors. They cannot be given any kind of growth hormones, antibiotics, nor any types of animal by-products.

Benefits of Organic Food

When your stubborn uncle shuns your diet choices, counter back with all of the benefits that come with eating organic. Avoid starting a debate at the dinner table. This isn’t politics. Stick to the hard facts.

Organic Meals Benefits

Organic Foods Contain More Nutrients

Studies have shown proof that organic foods contain more beneficial nutrients than conventionally-grown food. It’s been even proven that those who have allergies to certain foods, preservatives or chemicals, more often than not, discover that their symptoms go away or lessen once they start eating organic. How’s that for ya, Uncle Sam!?

Organic Produce Contains Fewer Pesticides and Chemicals

Organic produce also has considerably fewer pesticides. Pesticides are chemical agents like insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides, that are often used d in conventional means of agriculture. The residues from the chemical agents linger on, as well as in the foods we consume.

Organic Foods Taste Fresh

Organic foods are significantly more fresh than non-organic foods. Organic food does not contain preservatives, last longer, and just overall, taste better. If your friends don’t believe you, give them a side-by-side comparison of a Whole Foods salad versus a Walmart salad. They’ll be thanking you for leading them to enlightenment.

Organic Farming Preserves Soil Quality

When foods are organically-made, their farming practice, in itself, is much better for the environment than conventional farming. It reduces water, soil and air pollution, conserves water, increases the fertility of the soil, reduces erosion of the soil, and uses less energy. When farming is practiced without the use of pesticides, it is better for birds and other small animals nearby, and people who either live or work close to or on farms.

When you eat organic, you not only do good for the body, but you’re helping save the environment when you do!

Does “Organic” Mean Healthy?

Beware. Just because something is labeled “organic”, doesn’t necessarily mean it is a healthy alternative. Organic chips and cookies will likely still be high in salt, sugar, or fat. Like the conventional counterparts, anything organic should be consumed mindfully.

You don’t have to avoid non-organic food completely.

With all of this organic talk, it is important to bring up the fact that eating non-organic food is okay. Going organic is a personal choice that is connected to certain values and beliefs. Sometimes, conventional food is the most convenient and nutritious option.

Various studies state that the nutrition content of non-organic food is just as good as organic. Although the fear of pesticides is present, the amount used in conventional produce is very, very small compared to how much is needed to be toxic to the body. Anything in excess can be harmful- even spinach!

Next time you’re feeling hungry for farm-fresh, locally-grown, in-season, and organic meals… ditch the usual take-out delivery and try our organic food delivery service. Everything we prepare is all-natural and 100% organic so you never have to worry about reading food labels.

How has eating organic helped to transform your life? Share below in the comments!